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Leo Big-Picture Forecast for 2016

Dear Leo -

At the beginning of 2016, I wrote several long-term, big-picture horoscopes that envisioned the opportunities and challenges you would face in the coming year. I thought you might like to re-read them now and see how accurate or apropos they were.

Below you'll find those forecasts for 2016. (And if you'd like to check out your big-picture horoscopes for 2017, GO HERE.)

Avoid pain and pursue pleasure. Be kind, not cruel. Abstain from self-pity and ask for the help you need. Instead of complaining, express gratitude. Dodge time-wasting activities and do things that are meaningful to you. Shun people who disrespect you and seek the company of those who enjoy you. Don't expose yourself to sickening, violent entertainment; fill your imagination up with uplifting stories. Does the advice I'm offering in this horoscope seem overly simple and obvious? That's no accident. In my opinion, what you need most in 2016 is to refresh your relationship with fundamental principles.


The silkworm grows fast. Once it hatches, it eats constantly for three weeks. By the time it spins its cocoon, it's 10,000 times heavier than it was in the beginning. On the other hand, a mature, 60-foot-tall saguaro cactus may take 30 years to fully grow a new side arm. It's in no hurry. From what I can tell, Leo, 2015 was more like a silkworm year for you, whereas 2016 will more closely resemble a saguaro. Keep in mind that while the saguaro phase is different from your silkworm time, it's just as important.


British author Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) had a day job with the postal service until he was in his fifties. For years he awoke every morning at 5:30 and churned out 2,500 words before heading to work. His goal was to write two or three novels a year, a pace he came close to achieving. "A small daily task, if it really be daily," he wrote in his autobiography, "will beat the labors of a spasmodic Hercules." I recommend that you borrow from his strategy in 2016, Leo. Be regular and disciplined and diligent as you practice the art of gradual, incremental success.

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