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Cancerian Big-Picture Forecast for 2016

Dear Cancerian -

At the beginning of 2016, I wrote several long-term, big-picture horoscopes that envisioned the opportunities and challenges you would face in the coming year. I thought you might like to re-read them now and see how accurate or apropos they were.

Below you'll find those forecasts for 2016. (And if you'd like to check out your big-picture horoscopes for 2017, GO HERE.)

Swedish movie director Ingmar Bergman won three Academy Awards and was nominated for eight others. Numerous filmmakers have cited him as an important influence on their work. His practical success was rooted in his devotion to the imagination. "I am living permanently in my dream, from which I make brief forays into reality," he said. Can you guess his astrological sign? Cancer the Crab, of course! No other tribe is better suited at moving back and forth between the two worlds. At least potentially, you are virtuosos at interweaving fantasy with earthy concerns. The coming year will afford you unprecedented opportunities to further develop and use this skill.


Be alert for an abundance of interesting lessons in 2016. You will be offered teachings about a variety of practical subjects, including how to take care of yourself really well, how to live the life you want to live, and how to build the connections that serve your dreams. If you are even moderately responsive to the prompts and nudges that come your way, you will become smarter than you thought possible. So just imagine how savvy you'll be if you ardently embrace your educational opportunities. (Please note that some of these opportunities may be partially in disguise.)


Ancient humans didn't "invent" fire, but rather learned about it from nature and then figured out how to produce it as needed. Ropes had a similar origin. Our ancestors employed long vines made of tough fiber as primitive ropes, and eventually got the idea to braid and knot the vines together for greater strength. This technology was used to hunt, climb, pull, fasten, and carry. It was essential to the development of civilization. I predict that 2016 will bring you opportunities that have metaphorical resemblances to the early rope. Your task will be to develop and embellish on what nature provides.

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