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Taurus Big-Picture Forecast for 2016

Dear Taurus -

At the beginning of 2016, I wrote several long-term, big-picture horoscopes that envisioned the opportunities and challenges you would face in the coming year. I thought you might like to re-read them now and see how accurate or apropos they were.

Below you'll find those forecasts for 2016. (And if you'd like to check out your big-picture horoscopes for 2017, GO HERE.)

You know what physical hygiene is. But are you familiar with imaginal hygiene? Educator Morgan Brent defines it like this: "Imaginal hygiene is the inner art of self-managing the imagination, to defend it from forces that compromise, pollute, colonize, shrink, and sterilize it, and to cultivate those that illuminate, expand, and nourish it." It's always important for everyone to attend to this work, but it's especially crucial for you to focus on it in 2016. You will be exceptionally creative, and therefore likely to generate long-lasting effects and influences out of the raw materials that occupy your imagination.


The coming months look like one of the best times ever for your love life. Old romantic wounds are finally ready to be healed. You'll know what you have to do to shed tired traditions and bad habits that have limited your ability to get the spicy sweetness you deserve. Are you up for the fun challenge? Be horny for deep feelings. Be exuberantly aggressive in honoring your primal yearnings. Use your imagination to dream up new approaches to getting what you want. The innovations in intimacy that you initiate in the coming months will keep bringing you gifts and teachings for years to come.


Remember back to what your life was like during the first nine months of 2004. I suspect that you fell just short of fulfilling a dream. It's possible you were too young to have the power you needed. Or maybe you were working on a project that turned out to be pretty good but not great. Maybe you were pushing to create a new life for yourself but weren't wise enough to make a complete breakthrough. Almost 12 years later, you have returned to a similar phase in your long-term cycle. You are better equipped to do what you couldn't quite do before: create the masterpiece, finish the job, rise to the next level.

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