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I'm not doing charts and personal consultations these days. In addition to writing my weekly column, daily horoscopes, and expanded audio horoscopes, I'm also working on a CD, and hatching three new books. Not to mention attending to the practice of that high art referred to as "having a life." There's no time left over!

But I can recommend a colleague whose ethical and spiritual values resonate with my own. He's William Sebrans. You can contact him at Here's his statement of how we works and who he is:


OtherWiseworld Astrology, Human Design and Coaching,
by William Sebrans

OFFERING: I offer sessions integrating Astrology, Human Design, and Gurdjieffian Enneagram for anyone who is interested in evoking the best version of themselves and the moment they currently inhabit.

PERSPECTIVE: My perspective is evolutionary. I see life as a continuum of possibilities, rather than as mechanically predicted courses of events. I assert that any planetary influence, sign, and configuration has its most exalted version, its mundane every day expression, and its shadow expression -- and that these different frequencies are more a question of evolved choice rather than dictated from without.

This model is reflected in the Vedic teaching of the 3 Gunas: sattvic, rajasic, tamasic.

I am generally both a practical and an entertaining person, and I believe the session experience should be both enjoyable, relational, and its practical effect discernible. While Rumi's saying "Language is a tailors' shop where nothing fits" -- is a personal favorite -- I am, as well, devoted to the adroit use of language to consciously inform all aspects of our being and to raise one's state.

SESSIONS: My sessions last about 100 minutes with a short break in the middle to integrate, and I ask $195. I do accommodate anyone who is sincere, and I will receive what they can gift back, should that fee not be workable. I encourage, for those who need and wish, follow-up coaching/mentoring for integrating the new understandings and putting them into actionable form.

BACKGROUND: I spent 25 years in a Gurdjieffian community, with an emphasis on observing planetary influence and enneagram structures on personal mechanics that arise in consciousness. For 20 years I have practiced astrology and for 8 years the Human Design system, where I cross-fertilize between the two.

I owned a successful executive search firm in the Bay Area, working with the engineer poets of silicon valley, and was trained in life coaching during the mid-90's when the field was just beginning. I was a studio musician for a short time in Chicago, and remain an avid guitarist with decent classical and improvisatory chops. I love golden retrievers, raspberries, figs, old world cafes, good manners, and un-random acts of senseless beauty.

Here's my contact info:
William Sebrans
530. 692-2264


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