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Sagittarius Big-Picture Forecasts for 2014

Sagittarius, here are some different angles on your long-term destiny: my forecasts for you in 2014.

Many farms in California's Tulare County grow produce for supermarket chains. Here's the problem: Those big stores only want fruits and vegetable that look perfect. So if there are brown spots on the apples or if the zucchinis grow crooked or if the carrots get too big, they are rejected. As a result, 30 percent of the crops go unharvested. That's sad because a lot of poor people who live in Tulare don't have enough to eat. Fortunately, some enterprising food activists have begun to work out arrangements with farmers to collect the wasted produce and distribute it to the hungry folks. I gather there's a comparable situation in your life, Sagittarius: unplucked resources and ignored treasures. In 2014, I hope you take dramatic action to harvest and use them.


"We don't accomplish our love in a single year as the flowers do," says Rainer Maria Rilke in the Duino Elegies. Do you promise to take that truth into consideration in 2014, Sagittarius? Will you pledge to diligently devote yourself to creating the right conditions for love to flourish? In the past, you may not have been fully able to carry out this slow-building marvel; you may not have had quite enough wise perseverance. But you do now.

In addition to the 'scopes you're reading here, I've created EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES that explore your long-range destiny in 2015.

What will be the story of your life in the coming months? What new influences will be headed your way in 2015? What fresh resources will you be able to draw on? How can you conspire with life to create the best possible future for yourself?

To listen to these three-part, in-depth reports, go to Register and/or log in through the main page, and then access the horoscopes by clicking on the links:

"Long Range Prediction, Part 1"
"Long Range Prediction, Part 2"
"Long Range Prediction, Part 3"

If you'd like a boost of inspiration to fuel you in your quest for beauty and truth and love and meaning, tune in to my meditations on your Big-Picture outlook.

Each of the three-part reports is seven to nine minutes long. The cost is $6 per report. There are discounts for the purchase of multiple reports.

In 2014, it's possible you will be given a cabbage farm or a petting zoo or some bequest that's not exactly in close alignment with your life's purpose. But it's more likely that the legacies and dispensations you receive will be quite useful. The general trend is that allies will make available to you a steady flow of useful things. Your ability to attract what you need will be high. In the coming months, I may even have good reason to name you an honorary Scorpio. You might match those Great Manipulators' proficiency at extracting the essence of what you want from every situation.


Let me outline the breakthroughs I hope to see for you in the coming months. First, what is pretty good about you will not interfere with what is potentially great about you, but will instead cooperate with it and boost it. Second, your past accomplishments won't hold back your progress; you will not be tempted to rely on them at the expense of your future accomplishments. And third, the brave ideas that have motivated you so well won't devolve into staid old dogmas; you will either renew and reinvigorate them or else move on to a new set of brave ideas.


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