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Horoscopes for week of November 9, 2017
![]() ![]() I had pimples when I was a teenager. They're gone now, although I still have a few pockmarks on my face as souvenirs. In retrospect, I feel gratitude for them. They ensured that in my early years of dating and seeking romance, I would never be able to attract women solely on the basis of my physical appearance. I was compelled to cultivate a wide variety of masculine wiles. I swear that at least half of my motivation to get smarter and become a good listener came from my desire for love. Do you have comparable stories to tell, Taurus? Now is an excellent time to give thanks for what once may have seemed to be a liability or problem.
![]() ![]() The next two weeks will be one of the best times ever to ask provocative, probing questions. In fact, I invite you to be as curious and receptive as you've been since you were four years old. When you talk with people, express curiosity more often than you make assertions. Be focused on finding out what you've been missing, what you've been numb to. When you wake up each morning, use a felt-tip marker to draw a question mark on your forearm. To get you in the mood for this fun project, here are sample queries from poet Pablo Neruda's *Book of Questions*: "Who ordered me to tear down the doors of my own pride? Did I finally find myself in the place where they lost me? Whom can I ask what I came to make happen in this world? Is it true our desires must be watered with dew? What did the rubies say standing before the juice of the pomegranates?"
![]() ![]() "Things to say when in love," according to Zimbabwe poet Tapiwa Mugabe: "I will put the galaxy in your hair. Your kisses are a mouthful of firewater. I have never seen a more beautiful horizon than when you close your eyes. I have never seen a more beautiful dawn than when you open your eyes." I hope these words inspire you to improvise further outpourings of adoration. You're in a phase when expressing your sweet reverence and tender respect for the people you care about will boost you physical health, your emotional wealth, and your spiritual resiiience.
![]() ![]() Are you working on solving the right problem? Or are you being distracted by a lesser dilemma, perhaps consumed in dealing with an issue that's mostly irrelevant to your long-term goals? I honestly don't know the answers to those questions, but I am quite sure it's important that you meditate on them. Everything good that can unfold for you in 2018 will require you to focus on what matters most -- and not get sidetracked by peripheral issues or vague wishes. Now is an excellent time to set your unshakable intentions.
![]() ![]() Every one of us experiences loneliness. We all go through periods when we feel isolated and misunderstood and unappreciated. That's the bad news, Virgo. The good news is that the coming weeks will be a favorable time for you to make loneliness less of a problem. I urge you to brainstorm and meditate about how to do that. Here are some crazy ideas to get you started. 1. Nurture ongoing connections with the spirits of beloved people who have died. 2. Imagine having conversations with your guardian angel or spirit guide. 3. Make a deal with a "partner in loneliness": a person you pray or sing with whenever either of you feels bereft. 4. Write messages to your Future Self or Past Self. 5. Communicate with animals.
![]() ![]() The drive for absolute perfection could undermine your ability to create what's very good and just right. Please don't make that mistake in the coming weeks. Likewise, refrain from demanding utter purity, pristine precision, or immaculate virtue. To learn the lessons you need to know and launch the trends you can capitalize on in 2018, all that's necessary is to give your best. You don't have to hit the bull's eye with every arrow you shoot -- or even any arrow you shoot. Simply hitting the target will be fine in the early going.
![]() ![]() Remember the time, all those years ago, when the angels appeared to you on the playground and showed you how and why to kiss the sky? I predict that a comparable visitation will arrive soon. And do you recall the dreamy sequence in adolescence when you first plumbed the sublime mysteries of sex? You're as ripe as you were then, primed to unlock more of nature's wild secrets. Maybe at no other time in many years, in fact, have you been in quite so favorable a position to explore paradise right here on earth.
![]() ![]() As a courtesy to your mental health, I minimize your exposure to meaningless trivia. In fact, I generally try to keep you focused instead on enlightening explorations. But in this horoscope, in accordance with astrological omens, I'm giving you a temporary, short-term license to go slumming. What shenanigans is your ex up to lately, anyway? Would your old friend the bankrupt coke addict like to party with you? Just for laughs, should you revisit the dead-end fantasy that always makes you crazy? There is a good possibility that exposing yourself to bad influences like those I just named could have a tonic effect on you, Sagittarius. You might get so thoroughly disgusted by them that you'll never again allow them to corrupt your devotion to the righteous groove, to the path with heart.
![]() ![]() In the coming months it will be crucial to carefully monitor the effects you're having on the world. Your personal actions will rarely be merely personal; they may have consequences for people you don't know as well as those you're close to. The ripples you send out in all directions won't always look dramatic, but you shouldn't let that delude you about the influence you're having. If I had to give 2018 a title with you in mind, it might be "The Year of Maximum Social Impact." And it all starts soon.
![]() ![]() The punk ethic is rebellious. It transgresses conventional wisdom through "a cynical absurdity that's redeemed by being hilarious." So says author Brian Doherty. In the hippie approach, on the other hand, the prevailing belief is "love is all you need." It seeks a "manic togetherness and all-encompassing acceptance that are all sweet and no sour -- inspiring but also soft and gelatinous." Ah, but what happens when punk and hippie merge? Doherty says that each moderates the extreme of the other, yielding a tough-minded lust for life that's both skeptical and celebratory. I bring this to your attention, Aquarius, because the punk-plus-hippie blend is a perfect attitude for you to cultivate in the coming weeks.
![]() ![]() I'm falling in love with the way you have been falling in love with exciting possibilities that you once thought were impossible. Oh, baby. Please go further. Thrilling chills surge through me whenever you get that ravenous glint in your mind's eye. I can almost hear you thinking, "Maybe those dreams aren't so impossible, after all. Maybe I can heal myself and change myself enough to pursue them in earnest. Maybe I can learn success strategies that were previously beyond my power to imagine."
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