Horoscopes for week of January 5, 2017

Light, electricity, and magnetism are different expressions of a single phenomenon. Scottish scientist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) was the first to formulate a theory to explain that startling fact. One of the cornerstones of his work was a set of 20 equations with 20 unknowns. But a younger scientist named Oliver Heaviside decided this was much too complicated. He recast Maxwell's cumbersome theory in the form of four equations with four unknowns. That became the new standard. In 2017, I believe you Aries will have a knack akin to Heaviside's. You'll see the concise essentials obscured by needless complexity.
You'll extract the shining truths trapped inside messy confusions.
Would you like some inspiration as you muse and wonder about your upcoming adventures in 2017? Do you long to slip out of your habitual thoughts about your life and get a more transcendent view? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

"The thornbush is the old obstacle in the road," wrote Franz Kafka. "It must catch fire if you want to go further." Let's analyze this thought, Taurus. If it's to be of maximum use for you in 2017, we will have to develop it further. So here are my questions. Did Kafka mean that you're supposed to wait around passively, hoping the thornbush will somehow catch fire, either through a lucky lightning strike or an act of random vandalism? Or should you, instead, take matters into your own hands -- douse the thornbush with gasoline and throw a match into it? Here's another pertinent query: Is the thornbush really so broad and hardy that it blocks the whole road? If not, maybe you could just go around it.
What hidden factors will be massaging your destiny in 2017? Could you use some hints about how to prepare for the adventures awaiting you in the next 12 months? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

The fictional character Scott Pilgrim is the hero of Bryan Lee O'Malley's series of graphic novels. He becomes infatuated with a "ninja delivery girl" named Ramona Flowers, but there's a complication. Before he can win her heart, he must defeat all seven of her evil ex-lovers. I'm sure your romantic history has compelled you to deal with equally challenging dilemmas, Gemini. But I suspect you'll get a reprieve from that kind of dark melodrama in 2017. The coming months should be a bright and expansive chapter in your Book of Love.
Who do you want to become in 2017? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? I'm ready to help you muse about the interesting possibilities. This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

The creature known as the short-eared elephant shrew is typically four inches long and weighs a little more than one ounce. And yet it's more genetically similar to elephants than to true shrews. In its home habitat of southern Africa, it's known as the sengi. I propose we regard it as one of your spirit animals in 2017. Its playful place in your life will symbolize the fact that you, too, will have secret connections to big, strong influences; you, too, will have natural links with powerhouses that outwardly don't resemble you.
What will be the story of your life in 2017? How can you exert your free will to create the adventures that'll bring out the best in you, even as you find graceful ways to cooperate with the tides of destiny? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

"When I look back, I see my former selves, numerous as the trees," writes Leo poet Chase Twichell. I'm sure that's an experience you've had yourself. Do you find it comforting? Does it feel like being surrounded by old friends who cushion you with nurturing familiarity? Or is it oppressive and claustrophobic? Does it muffle your spontaneity and keep you tethered to the past? I think these are important questions for you to meditate on in 2017. It's time to be very conscious and creative about shaping your relationships with all the people you used to be.
What are your plans for the coming year? Could you use some more help mapping out your dreams and schemes? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

"'Life experience' does not amount to very much and could be learned from novels alone . . . without any help from life." So said Nobel Prize-winning author Elias Canetti, who was born in Bulgaria, had British citizenship, and wrote in German. Although his idea contradicts conventional wisdom, I am presenting it for your consideration in 2017. You're ready for a massive upgrade in your understanding about the nature of reality -- and firsthand "life experience" alone won't be enough to ensure that.
Who do you want to become in 2017? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? I'm ready to help you muse about the interesting possibilities. This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

I am rooting for you to be flagrantly unique in 2017. I vehemently want you to be uninhibited about expressing your deepest, rawest, hottest inclinations. In this spirit, I offer the following four rallying cries: 1. "Don't be addicted to looking cool, baby!" - my friend Luther. 2. Creative power arises when you conquer your tendency to stay detached. - paraphrased from poet Marianne Moore. 3. If you want to be original, have the courage to be an amateur. - paraphrased from poet Wallace Stevens. 4. "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few." - Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki.
How can you conspire with life to create the best possible future for yourself? What well-informed and ingenious approaches can you use to get the most out of the raw materials you're presented with? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

"There is a desperation for unknown things," wrote poet Charles Wright, "a thirst for endlessness that snakes through our bones." Every one of us has that desperation and thirst from time to time, but no one feels the pull toward perplexing enchantments and eternal riddles more often and more intensely than you Scorpios. And according to my astrological meditations on your life in 2017, you will experience this pull even more often and with greater intensity than ever before. Is that a problem? I don't see why it should be. In fact, it could make you sexier and smarter than ever -- especially if you regard it as a golden opportunity to become sexier and smarter than ever.
As you dive in to 2017, would you like to clarify your purpose? Are there fantasies playing at the back of your mind that you'd like to bring fully into your awareness? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

I hope you will seek out a wide range of intoxicating experiences in 2017. The omens predict it. Fate sanctifies it. I hope you will gracefully barrel your way through the daily whirl with a constant expectation of sly epiphanies, amusing ecstasies, and practical miracles. There has rarely been a time in your life when you've had so much potential to heal old wounds through immersions in uncanny bliss. But please note: The best of these highs will NOT be induced by drugs or alcohol, but rather by natural means like sex, art, dancing, meditation, dreamwork, singing, yoga, lucid perceptions, and vivid conversations.
What new influences will be headed your way in 2017? What fresh resources will you be able to draw on? Would you like some guidance as you figure out how to make best use of those influences and resources? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

I thought of you when I read a tweet by a person who calls himself Vexing Voidsquid. "I feel imbued with a mysterious positive energy," he wrote, "as if thousands of supplicants are worshipping golden statues of me somewhere." Given the astrological omens, I think it's quite possible you will have similar feelings on regular occasions in 2017. I'm not necessarily saying there will literally be golden statues of you in town squares and religious shrines, nor am I guaranteeing that thousands of supplicants will telepathically bathe you in adoration. But who cares how you're imbued with mysterious positive energy as long as you are?
Who do you want to become in 2017? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? I'm ready to help you muse about the interesting possibilities. This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

When it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the birds known as arctic terns hang out in Greenland and Iceland. Before the chill sets in, they embark on an epic migration to Antarctica, arriving in time for another summer. But when the weather begins to turn too cold there, they head to the far north again. This is their yearly routine. In the course of a lifetime, a single bird may travel as far as 1.25 million miles -- the equivalent of three roundtrips to the moon. I propose that you make this creature your spirit animal in 2017, Aquarius. May the arctic tern inspire you to journey as far as necessary to fulfill your personal equivalent of a quest for endless summer.
What new influences will be headed your way in 2017? What fresh resources will you be able to draw on? How can you make best use of these influences and resources? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

In June 1962, three prisoners sneaked out of the Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, located on an island in San Francisco Bay. Did they succeed in escaping? Did they swim to safety through the frigid water and start new lives abroad? No one knows. Law enforcement officials never found them. Even today, though, the U.S. Marshals Service keeps the case open, and still investigates new evidence when it comes in. Are there comparable enigmas in your own life, Pisces? Events in your past that raised questions you've never been able to solve? In 2017, I bet you will finally get to the bottom of them.
Do you understand just how much power you have to create the life you want to live in 2017? Are you fully aware of just how much access you have to new resources? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2017. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.
Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."
(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)
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