Horoscopes for week of January 29, 2015

Do you have an entourage or posse that helps you work magic you can't conjure up alone? Is there a group of co-conspirators that prods you to be brave and farseeing? If not, try to whip one up. And if you do have an inspirational crew, brainstorm about some new adventures for all of you to embark on. Scheme and dream about the smart risks and educational thrills you could attempt together. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you especially need the sparkle and rumble that a feisty band of allies can incite.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. Would you like some inspiration as you muse and wonder about your upcoming adventures in 2015? Do you long to slip out of your habitual thoughts about your life and get a more transcendent view?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
In ancient Rome, gladiator contests were as popular as today's football games. The warriors back then were not hired heroes as they are now, however. They were slaves or convicts who were forced to fight. Even if they won, they were usually required to return and risk their lives another day. Now and then a grizzled veteran of countless struggles-to-the-death was awarded with the ultimate prize: a wooden sword, symbolizing the end of his role as a gladiator and the beginning of his life as a free man. I'm telling you this because I believe you have earned your own personal equivalent of the wooden sword. Make one for yourself.

The cosmos seems to be granting you a license to be brazenly ambitious. I'm not sure how long this boost will last, so I suggest you capitalize on it while it's surging. What achievement have you always felt insufficiently prepared or powerful to accomplish? What person or club or game have you considered to be out of your league? What issue have you feared was beyond your understanding? Rethink your assumptions. At least one of those "impossibilities" may be more possible than usual.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. What hidden factors will be massaging your destiny in 2015? Could you use some hints about how to prepare for the adventures awaiting you in the next 12 months?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
The "Kumulipo" is an old Hawaiian prayer chant that poetically describes the creation of the world. The word literally means "beginning-in-deep-darkness." Here darkness doesn't connote gloom and evil. Rather, it's about the inscrutability of the embryonic state; the obscure chaos that reigns before germination. Talk about the last time you dwelt in kumulipo.

When I attended the University of California at Santa Cruz, my smartest friend was Gemini writer Clare Cavanagh. She headed off to Harvard for her graduate studies, and later became a pre-eminent translator of Polish poetry. Her work has been so skillful that Nobel Prize-winning Polish poet Czselaw Milosz selected her as his authorized biographer. Interviewing Milosz was a tough job, Clare told blogger Cynthia Haven. He was demanding. He insisted that she come up with "questions no one's asked me yet." And she did just that, of course. Formulating evocative questions is a Gemini specialty. I invite you to exercise that talent to the hilt in the coming week. It's prime time for you to celebrate a Curiosity Festival.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. What will be the story of your life in 2015? How can you exert your free will to create the adventures that'll bring out the best in you, even as you find graceful ways to cooperate with the tides of destiny?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
Beauty and Truth Laboratory researcher Romney Austin adorned her Honda Civic with her first-ever bumper sticker, "Give Yourself to Love." While proud of announcing her compassionate philosophy to the world, she was also nervous. Hadn't she raised the pressure on herself to live up to her noble ideals?
A week later, she snapped. A guy chatting on a cell phone in a Lexus SUV cut her off in traffic, and road rage moved her to give him a middle-finger salute. Soon she added a new bumper sticker to the left of the first: "Get In, Sit Down, Shut Up, Hold On."
When I asked her about the contradiction, she confessed, "I've just accepted that I've got a split personality."
A week later, her conflicting sides reached a compromise. Romney pasted the word "and" in the space between the two stickers, to create a new thought: "Get In, Sit Down, Shut Up, Hold On, and Give Yourself to Love." She called to announce the good news: "I'm whole again!"

"Somewhere someone is traveling furiously toward you," writes poet John Ashbery, "at incredible speed, traveling day and night, through blizzards and desert heat, across torrents, through narrow passes. But will he know where to find you, recognize you when he sees you, give you the thing he has for you?" This passage might not be literally true, Cancerian. There may be no special person who is headed your way from a great distance, driven by a rapt intention to offer you a blessing. But I think Ashbery's scenario is accurate in a metaphorical way. Life is in fact working overtime to bring you gifts and help. Make sure you cooperate! Heighten your receptivity. Have a nice long talk with yourself, explaining why you deserve such beneficence.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. Do you really know how much power you have to create the life you want to live in 2015? Probably not. But I'd like to help you know about that power, and tap into it.
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
Every act of genius, Carl Jung said, is an act contra naturam: against nature. Indeed, every effort to achieve psychological integration and union with the divine requires a knack for working against the grain. The 18th-century mystic Jacob Boehme recommended the same technique. The great secret to becoming enlightened, he said, is "to walk in all things contrary to the world." Qabalist teacher Paul Foster Case agreed: "The basis of the spiritual approach to life, the foundation of the everyday practice of a person who lives the life of obedience to esoteric law, is the reversal of the more usual ways of thinking, speaking and doing."
Name the ways you already use this approach, and brainstorm about others you might like to try.

In 1768, Britain's Royal Society commissioned navigator James Cook to lead a long naval voyage west to Tahiti, where he and his team were supposed to study the planet Venus as it made a rare transit across the face of the sun. But it turned out that task was a prelude. Once the transit was done, Cook opened the sealed orders he had been given before leaving England. They revealed a second, bigger assignment, kept secret until then: to reconnoiter the rumored continent that lay west of Tahiti. In the coming months, he became the first European to visit the east coast of Australia. I foresee a comparable progression for you, Leo. The task you've been working on lately has been a prelude. Soon you'll receive your "sealed orders" for the next leg of your journey.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. What are your plans for the coming year? Could you use some more help mapping out your dreams and schemes in 2015?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
Every January 1, many people make New Year's resolutions, promising to embark on programs of self-improvement. But your assignment now, should you choose to accept it, is to create a list of ANTI-resolutions.
Here are some questions to guide you: 1. What outlandish urges and controversial tendencies do you promise to cultivate in the coming months? 2. What nagging irritations will you ignore and avoid with even greater ingenuity? 3. What problems do you promise to exploit in order to have even more fun as you make the status quo accountable for its corruption? 4. What boring rules and traditions will you thumb your nose at, paving the way for exciting encounters with strange attractors?

According to computer security company Symantec, you're not in major danger of contracting an online virus from a porn website. The risk is much greater when you visit religious websites. Why? They're often built by inexperienced programmers, and as a result are more susceptible to hackers' attacks. In the coming weeks, Virgo, there may be a similar principle at work in your life. I suspect you're more likely to be undermined by nice, polite people than raw, rowdy folks. I'm not advising you to avoid the do-gooders and sweet faces. Just be careful that their naivete doesn't cause problems. And in the meantime, check out what the raw, rowdy folks are up to.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. Who do you want to become in 2015? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? I'm ready to help you muse about the interesting possibilities.
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
Speak the following lines out loud:
I love everything about me
I love my uncanny beauty and my bewildering pain
I love my hungry soul and my wounded longing
I love my flaws, my fears, and my scary frontiers
I will never forsake, betray, or deceive myself
I will always adore, forgive, and believe in myself
I will never refuse, abandon, or scorn myself
I will always amuse, delight, and redeem myself

Life has a big, tough assignment for you. Let's hope you're up for the challenge. There's not much wiggle room, I'm afraid. Here it is: You must agree to experience more joy and pleasure. The quest for delight and enchantment has to rise to the top of your priority list. To be mildly entertained isn't enough. To be satisfied with lukewarm arousal is forbidden. It's your sacred duty to overflow with sweet fulfillment and interesting bliss. Find ways to make it happen!
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. What new influences will be headed your way in 2015? What fresh resources will you be able to draw on? Would you like some guidance as you figure out how to make best use of those influences and resources?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
For some seekers, spiritual enlightenment is the ultimate commodity. They believe that through diligent meditation and self-improvement, there will come a day when it will no longer elude their grasp. Breaking through to the singular state of cosmic consciousness, they will forever after own it, free and clear. Permanently illuminated! Never to backslide into the dull ignominy of normal human awareness!
Here's what I have to say about that: It's a delusion.
The fact is, the nature of perfection is always mutating. What constitutes enlightenment today will always be different tomorrow. Even if you're fortunate and wise enough to score a sliver of "enlightenment," it's not a static treasure that becomes your indestructible, everlasting possession. Rather, it remains a mercurial knack that must be continually re-earned.
If you want to befriend the Divine Wow, you must not only be willing to change ceaselessly -- you have to love to change ceaselessly.
Lucky you: All of creation is conspiring to help you live like that.

You may have never sampled the southeast Asian fruit called durian. It's controversial. Some people regard it as the "king of fruits," and describe its taste as sweet and delicious. Naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace said it was like "a rich custard highly flavored with almonds." But other people find the durian unlikable, comparing its aroma to turpentine or decaying onions. TV chef Anthony Bourdain asserts that its "indescribable" taste is "something you will either love or despise." I foresee the possibility that your imminent future will have metaphorical resemblances to the durian, Scorpio. My advice? Don't take things personally.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. How can you conspire with life in 2015 to create the best possible future for yourself? What well-informed and ingenious approaches can you use to get the most out of the raw materials you're presented with?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
The Golden Rule is a decent ethical principle, but it could be even better. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" presumes that others enjoy what you enjoy. But that's wrong. There are many things you'd like to have done unto you that others would either despise or be bored by. Here's a new, improved formulation, which we call the Platinum Rule: Do unto others as they would like to have you do unto them.
Using this improved formula is not just a virtuous way to live, but is also the best way to ensure the success of your selfish goals. The rituals and spells of various occult orders purport to be supercharged techniques for imposing your personal will on the chaotic flow of events, but I say that practicing the Platinum Rule outstrips all of them as an exercise to enhance your power and happiness.

Talking will be your art form in the coming week. It'll be healing and catalytic. You could set personal records for most engaging phone conversations, emails, text messages, and face-to-face dialogs. The sheer intensity of your self-expression could intimidate some people, excite others, and generate shifts in your social life. Here are a few tips to ensure the best results. First, listen as passionately as you speak. Second, make it your intention to communicate, not just unload your thoughts. Tailor your messages for your specific audience. Third, reflect on the sometimes surprising revelations that emerge from you. They'll give you new insights into yourself.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. As you dive in to 2015, would you like to clarify your purpose? Are there fantasies playing at the back of your mind that you'd like to bring fully into your awareness?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
HELP WANTED. Practical dreamers with high emotional intelligence needed to become experts in the following subjects: the art of possessing abundant resources without feeling greed or a sense of superiority; the science of cultivating luxurious comfort in a way that does not lead to spiritual sloth; and a knack for enjoying peace and serenity without diluting one's ambition.

Let's say you want to buy an 18-karat gold ring. To get that much gold, miners had to excavate and move six tons of rock. Then they doused the rock with poisonous cyanide, a chemical that's necessary to extract the good stuff. In the process, they created toxic waste. Is the gold ring worth that much trouble? While you ponder that, let me ask you a different question. What if I told you that over the course of the next five months, you could do what's necessary to obtain a metaphorical version of a gold ring? And although you would have to process the equivalent of six tons of raw material to get it, you wouldn't have to use poison or make a mess. Would you do it?
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. What will be the story of your life in 2015? Are you ready to shed your superstitious fears about the future? Would you like to slip into the coming year armed with an influx of confidence and poise?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
Most religions designate a special class of people -- priests, rabbis, ayatollahs -- to oversee official communications with the Source. This has led to a prevailing assumption, even among those who don't follow an established faith, that we can't initiate a divine conversation without the aid of a professional class of trained mediators. Among some sects of the ancient gnostics, in contrast, everyone was regarded as a potential prophet who could experience epiphanies worthy of becoming part of the ever-evolving doctrine.
As you create your own spiritual path, experiment with this approach. What might you do to eliminate the middleman and commune directly with the Source?
Name the ways you already use this approach, and brainstorm about others you might like to try.

In 1899, the King of the African nation of Swaziland died while dancing. His only son, Sobhuza, was soon crowned as his successor, despite being just four months old. It took a while for the new King to carry out his duties with aplomb, and he needed major guidance from his grandmother and uncle. Eventually he showed great aptitude for the job, though, and ruled until his death at age 83. I'm getting a Sobhuza-type vibe as I meditate on you, Aquarius. New power may come to you before you're fully ready to wield it. But I have confidence you will grow into it, especially if you're not shy about seeking help.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. What new influences will be headed your way in 2015? What fresh resources will you be able to draw on? How can you make best use of these influences and resources?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
The Indian activist Mahatma Gandhi lead many peaceful rebellions against oppressive governments, first in South Africa and later in British-controlled India. At first he called his strategy "passive resistance," but later disavowed that term because it had negative implications. He ultimately chose the Sanskrit word satyagraha, meaning "love force" or "truth force." "Truth (satya) implies love," he said, "and firmness (agraha) is a synonym for force. Satyagraha is thus the force which is born of truth and love."
Give an example of how you have employed satyagraha in the past, and another example of how you might invoke it in the future.

In the 1951 animated movie version of Alice in Wonderland, Alice says to herself, "I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it." I hope you won't be like her, Pisces. It's an excellent time for you to heed your own good advice. In fact, I suspect that doing so will be crucial to your ability to make smart decisions and solve a knotty problem. This is one of those turning points when you really have to practice what you preach. You've got to walk your talk.
You can still listen to my three-part, in-depth explorations of your long-range destiny. Do you understand just how much power you have to create the life you want to live in 2015? Are you fully aware of just how much access you have to new resources?
To access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes, register and/or sign in on the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction." (Choose from Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.) A new short-term forecast for this week is also available.
SACRED ADVERTISEMENT. The oracle below is excerpted from my book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.
Say this: "Novel intuitions are now erupting from my smart heart, awakening me from any trance I've been ensnared in. I am hereby breaking and escaping obstructions that have hindered my ability to express my soul's code. All of my unique capacities are being unleashed, all of my potentials activated. I recognize that I'm a miraculous work of art, a masterpiece unlike any other ever created in the history of the world."
Say this: "I am a genius. I am a lucky, plucky, good-sucking genius."
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