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Horoscopes for week of September 24, 2009
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() This would be an excellent time for you to learn how to brew your own beer (tinyurl.com/zteca) or build your own telescope (tinyurl.com/2yert5) or teach yourself how to operate a forklift (tinyurl.com/lgoyk5). Your ability to master practical new skills is at a peak, and your need to develop more self-reliance is more pressing than usual. Once you raise your confidence levels, you might even move on to more challenging tasks, like concocting your own home-made flu shot (tinyurl.com/kmchwx) or reconfiguring the way your brain works (tinyurl.com/lxhuap or tinyurl.com/ns5vhv).
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() Novelist James Patterson has signed a deal with a publisher to churn out 17 new books between now and the end of 2012. (By comparison, it took me six years to write my first book, nine years to write my second, and five years for my third.) According to my reading of the astrological omens, you Geminis will have James Patterson-like levels of fecundity for at least the next four weeks. I suggest you employ that good mojo to create a masterpiece or two.
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() As I gaze out the window of my home office, I see a vast wetland crossed by a creek that originates in the bay. At high tide, the creek is as wide as a river. At low tide, it's as narrow as a village street. Sometimes it flows north vigorously, while at other times it surges south with equal force. Now and then it's perfectly still. Its hues are a constantly mutating blend of grey, green, blue, and brown, and at sundown and sunrise they're joined by tinges of pink, purple, and orange. As a Cancerian, I find this intimate spectacle to be both comforting and invigorating. It's a reflection of my own ever-shifting moods, a reminder that I'm a watery creature whose fluidic changeability is natural and healthy. What I wish for you, my fellow Crab, is that in the coming week you will also surround yourself with prompts that help you to be at peace with who you really are.
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() What exactly is a "wild goose chase," anyway? Does it refer to a frenetic and futile hunt for an elusive prey that's never caught? Or might it also mean the meandering pursuit of a tricky quarry that after many convoluted twists and turns results in success and generates a lot of educational fun along the way? Either definition could apply to your wild goose chase in the next three weeks, Leo. Which one will ultimately win out will probably depend on two things: 1. how well you detect the false leads you get; 2. how determined you are to be amused rather than frustrated by all the twists and turns.
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() Your time is up, Virgo. No further stalling will be allowed. We need your answer now: Will you or will you not take advantage of the messy but useful offer that is on the table? Don't ask for an extension, because you ain't getting one. Please take advantage of this chance to prove that you love yourself too much to get hoodwinked and abused by perfectionism. Be brave enough to declare your allegiance to the perspective articulated by the mathematician Henri Poincaré: "There are no solved problems. There are only more-or-less solved problems."
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() This is an excellent time to celebrate the pleasures of emptiness . . . to extol the virtues of the blank slate . . . to be open to endless possibilities but committed to none . . . to bask in the freedom of not having to be anything, anyone, or anywhere. Are you smart enough to need no motto to live by? Are you resourceful enough to rely on nothing but the raw truth of the present moment? If so, you will thrive in the coming days.
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() During the dialog about health care in the U.S., certain highly relevant facts are never discussed. For example, it's ludicrous for right-wingers to fear that a government-run health system would freshly infect our capitalist system with the stain of socialism. The truth is, America has long had the biggest socialist enterprise in the world: its sprawling military establishment, which is completely paid for by taxpayer dollars and run by the government! (For more discussion of America's long-running, thoroughgoing socialist tradition, go here.) Another unacknowledged fact in the dialog about health care is this: The single smartest strategy for financing a new system (as well as dramatically improving the economy) would be to reduce military expenditures. Americans don't seem to realize that their monstrously huge military empire is a case of supreme overkill: It girdles the globe in ways that are unprecedented in the history of civilization. We have 761 military sites in over 100 countries! "If you want to talk about suns never setting on empires, the Brits had nothing compared to this," defense analyst John Pike told the L. A. Times. I bring this to your attention, Scorpio, to illustrate the way that a seemingly serious discussion can be thrown off course and rendered unproductive when it ignores critical information. Please make sure nothing like that happens in your personal sphere in the coming weeks.
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() In the coming weeks, your medicinal effect and your power to incite change will be peaking simultaneously. You may heal people by shaking their certainties or you may scare people as you motivate them to shed their lazy approaches. You could be a stringently benevolent force or a disruptive fixer of broken things. My only advice for you is to work hard to stay humble. The potency of your influence might tempt you to get full of yourself, and that would undermine the beauty of your impact.
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() I'm embarrassed to confess that when I'm shopping for an herbal supplement I've never bought before, my choice is unduly influenced by how much I like the packaging. For example, I might opt for the brassy orange and white bottle with bold black lettering over the brand with the washed-out blue-green color scheme and delicate purple font. I hope you won't fall victim to any version of my folly, Capricorn. It's especially important that you make your decisions based on a piercing analysis of the inner contents, not a superficial survey of the outer display.
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() Study the following facts to derive oracular clues about your upcoming destiny. 1) Some bacteria are inimical to human beings, but others are friendly, like the creatures that inhabit your intestine and help you digest the food you eat. 2) There are snakes whose venom is poisonous in large doses but healing in small amounts. 3) The term "demon" is derived from the ancient Greek term "daimon," which referred not to an evil supernatural being but to a benevolent guardian spirit that conferred blessings on a person.
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
![]() ![]() On the website "Yahoo! Answers," readers pose questions that are answered by other readers who have expertise on the subject. In a recent entry, a young woman asked, "Is there a spell to become a mermaid that actually works?" Of the 50+ replies, most are snarky and mean, ridiculing the asker of the question, and not a single one gives useful information. I encourage you to offer your own insight on the subject sometime soon. (Go here.) You are now at the peak of your ability to act, think, feel, love, and dream like a mythical sea creature.
The revised and expanded version of my book PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA is now available. It's 55% bigger, plusher, and more concentrated than the original version. You can order it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
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