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Horoscopes for week of April 9, 2009
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() "Men build too many walls and not enough bridges," said Isaac Newton. I agree with that assessment in general, but I'm going to amend it a bit for your use. In my astrological opinion, you would benefit from constructing one more wall before embarking on a bridge-building campaign. In fact, it won't make sense to erect all those new links in May unless you first burn down a bridge and fashion a fresh, fortified boundary.
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() During my daily bicycle jaunts, I have on occasion ridden by a certain construction site, observing as workers took several months to erect a home where once there was dirt. It turned out to be too monstrously big for my tastes, but I admire its craftsmanship, and the landscaping is impeccable, too. Today I saw that the workers had completed one last task: pour the cement for the driveway. But something went awry. The lip of the driveway is a foot above the level of the road. There's no way a car could make the transition without being damaged. Make sure that nothing similar happens in your sphere, Gemini. Maintain your concentration right to the end of the process you've been carrying out. Finish your masterpiece with a precise flourish.
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() Executives at an Austrian insurance company have taken a novel approach to filling job openings in their sales division: They're only seeking Capricorns, Tauruses, Leos, Aries, and Aquarians. "A statistical study indicated that almost all of our best employees have one of those five star signs," they said. I haven't seen the study, but according to my personal analysis, it's a mistake to leave Cancerians out of that privileged group -- at least in 2009. The members of your tribe have exceptional powers of persuasion right now, as well as even more than your usual skill at tapping into the subconscious minds of those you're working with. I believe these advantages will be especially potent in the coming weeks.
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() French President Sarkozy's best friend, advertising mogul Jacques Seguela, has an unusual way of measuring success. If you don't own a Rolex watch by the time you're 50, he says, you're a failure. I'm inclined to propose the opposite: If you do have a Rolex watch, no matter what age you are, you're probably a failure. To be attached to such a conspicuous status symbol is a sign that your values are dominated by the transitory trivialities of materialism. Where do you stand on the matter, Leo? It's a good time to think about it, because you're in a phase when clarifying your definitions of high achievement is important.
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() You're in luck, Virgo. Not so much in the sense of winning the lottery or scoring a major award, but in a more spiritual sense. According to my astrological analysis, you're about to be blessed with glimpses of the beauty that has been hidden from you. Do you know "Auguries of Innocence," the poem by William Blake? I think you'll experience what it describes: "To see a world in a grain of sand/ And a heaven in a wild flower,/ Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,/ And eternity in an hour."
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() I once had a girlfriend who was tormented by her demons. As brilliant an artist as she was, as much good as she did in the world, she couldn't get those jerks to stop whispering curses like "You're a fraud" and "You'll never make any money from doing what you're good at" and "No one will ever love you for who you really are." I did my best to silence the voices that plagued her. I tried to sing them to sleep or scare them away or make her feel so well-loved they'd die of malnourishment. But nothing worked, and she and I eventually broke up because of those demons. Since then I've worked hard to improve my skills as an exorcist. As much as I'm inclined to use those skills to help you chase away the pests that are bugging you, however, that's not necessary. You now have the power to perform a dramatic do-it-yourself banishing. So get to work!
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() If you ever wanted to learn how to do lucid dreams or out-of-body travel or shamanic explorations that help you retrieve lost portions of your soul, this is an excellent time to begin. You're in an astrological phase when the veil between this world and the other side is thinner than usual, and that means you could make connections that haven't been possible before. If the things I mentioned in the beginning are too woo-woo or scary for you, there are other ways to take advantage of current conditions. First, you could conduct productive imaginary conversations with the spirits of dead friends and relatives. Second, you could do intense meditations in which you imprint the future with scenarios you'd love to see come to pass. And third, you'll probably be able to incubate a highly informative dream by asking your unconscious mind a well-formulated question that you'd love to get guidance about.
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() At a Buddhist sanctuary in Khun Han, Thailand, monks have used a million beer bottles and soft drink bottles to build their temple. Bottle caps have come in handy, too, serving as the raw material for numerous mosaics portraying the Buddha. Your assignment, Sagittarius, is to draw inspiration from these geniuses. How could you take some profane elements of your life and turn them into a hotbed of sacred inspiration?
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() Sneezes and yawns rise up in you without your conscious bidding. You can try to stifle them, but they have a will of their own. Just imagine if you were also visited at unexpected moments by the need to howl. Suddenly and without warning, you felt an irrepressible urge to unleash bellowing sounds -- simply because your instinctual nature was moved to forcefully express its joy at being alive, its longing to trumpet its power, and its impulse to shake up the stale vibes it found itself in. If there will ever come a time in your life when this marvel will actually happen, I bet it'll be in the coming weeks.
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() It took him 48 hours, but a British soldier has broken the world's record for number of seats sat upon. Terry Twining warmed his butt, if ever so briefly, on a total of 40,040 chairs in a football stadium last August. I suggest you do something comparable, Aquarius: Be simultaneously well-grounded and energetic. Keep your feet on the ground as you attempt to reach a new personal best. Find ways to derive excitement from repetitive tasks.
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
![]() ![]() For a few dollars a month, you can have a computer's synthesized voice utter a prayer for you three times a day. Informationageprayer.com promises to contact the Creator with incantations designed just for you. On the other hand, there's a prayer warrior on my staff who will pray for you at no cost. Her name's Grandma Betty, and I can personally attest to her skill and devotion. Send your requests to her in care of me at P.O. Box 150628, San Rafael, CA 94915. (There's no catch. I won't use or sell your address. Sorry, no emails.) In the meantime, I'm also going to be sending a series of rowdy solicitations on your behalf to the Divine Wow. Here's the gist of what I'll say: Please assist my Piscean readers in finding out exactly what they need to do to promote their financial stability.
Tune in to my free podcast, "This Is a Perfect Moment." It's a meditation based on the understanding that life can be messy and confusing, and yet perfectly beautiful -- unfolding exactly as it should be. The podcast is an excerpt from my book, PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA.
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