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Horoscopes for week of June 24, 2004
Life will bring you entertaining revelations in the coming week, Aries. To explore even deeper, dive into your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() Are you the type of person who is capable of altering your trajectory in midair? Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that you worked in the circus as a human cannonball. Let's say you had just been shot out of a cannon but sensed you were headed towards a spot on the ground a few feet beyond the safety net. Could you wiggle or shimmy in such a way that you accomplished a mid-course correction, ensuring that you landed where you wanted to? In my astrological opinion, Taurus, you could.
Want more clues, Taurus? Need further insight? I discuss your coming week in greater depth in your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() According to my research, astrologers and economic forecasters are about equally accurate in their predictions. The difference is that some astrologers can provide useful financial advice, whereas most economists can't distinguish a Mercury-Saturn conjunction from a transit by retrograde Venus. Given the fact that you're in a phase when you'll thrive on financial advice from a metaphysical perspective, I suggest you seek input only from the first type, the business-savvy stargazers. And since I'm one of them, I'm happy to offer you this tip: Having a sensitive soul and spiritual yearnings are often impediments to getting richer quicker, but for now the reverse is true for you.
Need a few more whacks applied to your mental blocks in the coming week, Gemini? A few more caresses administered to your growing edge? Cruise on over to your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() I have a pleasant assignment for you, Cancerian: Decide what form of abundance is most important to you. Is it money? Friendship? The land you own? Is it romantic love or creative inspiration or your children? Of course you probably value several different kinds of abundance, but your challenge right now is to determine the one that you prize above all others. Whatever you decide it is, it will flourish in the next four weeks.
Got enough clues to chew on for a while, Cancerian? If you need more, give yourself the luxury of your Expanded Audio Horoscope for the coming week. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() You've got that look in your eye, Leo -- that slightly demented, fervently giddy expression I see in you every now and then. Judging from previous experience, I surmise you're about to either launch a brave quest to the frontiers of your understanding or else hurl yourself into a sticky abyss where all the demons adore you. You realize there's a difference, right? One is scary fun and the other is glamorous torment. Please go to your room, take a hundred deep, slow breaths, and meditate about what you should do next to prove how much you love yourself.
Want to explore the coming week even further, Leo? Dig deeper? Feel stronger? Consider tuning in to your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() Wal-Mart is famous for the stingy pay and benefits it offers its employees. But another giant chain store, Costco, is the opposite. It's so good to its workers that some business gurus disapprove. "From the perspective of investors, Costco's benefits are overly generous," says retail analyst Bill Dreher, quoted in the Wall Street Journal. He thinks the company's benevolence depresses its stock value because investors are afraid its profit margins aren't as high as they could be. But the fact is that Costco is very successful, and its five-year growth rate has been 10.1 percent annually, better than Wal-Mart's 9.8 percent. All this is preface, Virgo, for my warning that your gifts may also be criticized in the coming week. Be unfazed, please. Have faith that the best way to build your prosperity is to cultivate your generosity.
What greater adventure is there than exploring the enigmas of your unique destiny, Virgo? For more hints about the week ahead, listen to your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() According to my reading of the astrological omens, you're about to receive a burst of attention -- maybe even be offered your 15 minutes of fame. If you don't especially care about being seen on TV, quoted in the newspaper, or gossiped about by professionals, you should negotiate with fate to bring you a heightened visibility that's more useful and interesting. How about having your good work get more recognition and appreciation from the few people who really matter, for instance? I'm sure you can have a lot of influence on how your higher profile manifests, Libra. All you have to do is get very clear about what you really want.
How much do you want to know about your destiny in the coming week, Libra? How far do you dare to go? For more insight into your shimmering, undulating fate, tune in to your Expanded Audio Horoscope for the coming week. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() Your magical powers will be at a peak in the coming days. Reading people's minds will be the least of what you're capable of. I wouldn't be shocked if you were able to concoct love potions in your kitchen, get useful tips from the spirits of the dead, or control the weather in your vicinity. Given the fact that you'll be able to accomplish wonders I can't even imagine, I'm reluctant to make a suggestion. Who am I to give advice to a potential superhero? But I feel it's my duty to let you know that the very best use of your magical powers will be as follows: to help those in need, to fight for justice and freedom, and to conjure up miraculous sex.
No one knows you better than you do, Scorpio. But maybe you'll be inspired to dig up even more self-knowledge in the coming week if you tune in to your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() Have you ever seen that bumper sticker that goes, "I am brilliant and talented, but I have to do dumb and self-destructive things to relax"? Studies at the Free Will Astrology Think Tank have shown that a far higher percentage of Sagittarians exemplify this bad habit than any other sign. Even if you aren't dominated by it, you probably fall victim to it every once in a while. That's the bad news. The good news is that you now have the power to break its hold on you. By August 1, with hard work and a little grace, you could very well have earned the right to put the following bumper sticker on your car or refrigerator: "I am so brilliant and talented that I've discovered how to relax in uplifting ways that enhance my brilliance and talent."
Hungry for more inspiration, Sagittarius? Curious about the unfolding mysteries? For more juicy details about your destiny in the coming week, check out your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() Sometimes Zen masters with valuable teachings appear in the form of children playing or old folks in fading health or boring geeks you look down on. On occasion, crucial help can't arrive any other way except through bewildering riddles you barely understand or seemingly trivial distractions that appear to be wasting your time. It's one of those phases right now, Capricorn. To get you in the mood, here's some foolish wisdom from ex-baseball player, Yogi Berra: "When you come to the fork in the road, take it."
Your destiny is a gorgeous mystery, Capricorn. Your soul is awakening more every day. The secrets of life are ripening right in front of your eyes. For more clues, consider checking out your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() "Dear Reverend (or is it Irreverend?) Brezsny: After long meditation on what's missing from my relationship with God, I found the answer: a sense of humor. I realized I can never truly love or honestly communicate with a Supreme Being who doesn't chuckle. Alas, there doesn't seem to be a single text in any religious tradition that's even slightly funny. Can you give me some hope? - Aquarius in Search of a Droll Deity." Dear Aquarius: You're in luck. According to my inside sources, the Divine Creator will soon unleash Her comic genius in your vicinity. You can expect a flood of playful teases, mind-bending jokes, and slapstick disruptions in the conventional wisdom -- all designed to provoke sacred, cleansing laughter. Here's even better news: She'll be laughing with you, not at you.
What greater adventure is there than exploring the enigmas of your unique destiny, Aquarius? For more hints about the week ahead, listen to your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
![]() ![]() In his poem "The History of My Life," John Ashbery poignantly refers to the death of his brother as a child. He quickly follows it with self-mocking humor about how fast that sad event forced him to grow up. "Ashbery is always vacillating between the unbearable heaviness and unbearable lightness of being," Fred Moranarco writes in The American Poetry Review, "as if moving between the two make both extremes bearable." I expect this will also be your forte in the coming week, Pisces: the ability to flow gracefully between profundity and frivolity, between penetrating explorations of complex mysteries and sweet celebrations of breezy delight. (P.S.: Unlike Ashbery's experience, your dive into the depths won't involve death.)
Where do you want to go in the coming week, Pisces? Who do you want to be? For more clues, tune in to your Expanded Audio Horoscope. The reading costs $6.
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